
Kernan Andrews

Galway Advertiser, 11 maggio 2017

The Ensemble…Goffredo Degli Esposti (double flute, shawn, bagpipe)…take a serious historical approach to presenting the music of medieval Italy, but also have serious fun in performing it.”

Michèle Fizane

MidiLibre, 13 giugno 2015

“…Dix musiciens merveilleux, suaves dans la mélodie, irrésistibles dans la danse et la tran- se! On a le souffle coupé de voir les cordes si dynamiques, envoûtées par les percussions, notamment le butttafuoco de Goffredo Degli Esposti. On se souviendra longtemps d’une vedette inédite, la sordellina, cornemuse de charme. Sa magie suspend le temps. “

Stefano Ragni

Il Giornale dell’Umbria, 31 dicembre 2013

“Even for the opening concert of the fourth edition of the usual end-of-year event, entitled” Spello Splendens “, Goffredo Degli Esposti did not fail to amaze for his virtuosic abilities by embracing a percussion psaltery, an ancient” buttafuoco “, and playing simultaneously. the straight flute. “

Jaques Weil

Festival de Musique Ancienne de Ribeuvillé (France), 8 ottobre 2013

“Goffredo Degli Esposti a surpris l’auditeur avec son “buttafuoco”, sorte de lyre frappée par une baguette…ou par sa sordelline, une cornemouse polyphonique.”

Mihai Stefan

Recensione del CD Lirum, Li Tronc su Suonare, Luglio 2000

“A fascinating journey into the Neapolitan musical-instrumental creativity between renaissance and early Baroque. Unpublished pages … So Goffredo Degli Esposti was able to direct the work of (re) modern construction of the instrument … For those who love the popular style, at the turn of the century, it is an unmissable journey: the executive quality is there, and explains well why and how Naples has always been musical capital. “

Anne Ibois-Augé

Scénopathie, 13/08/2019 (

“La nuit napolitaine possède un son très caractéristique. Des sons, devrait-on dire. Ceux d’instruments typiques – la sordellina, cornemuse à clés probable ancêtre de la muse de cour, le buttafuoco, psaltérion à percussion qui se joue accompagné d’une flute à trois trous …”

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